The First Meeting Was Held with Our Department Advisory Board

The First Meeting Was Held with Our Department Advisory Board

As our department, our first meeting was held with our Advisory Board members. Dear Prof. Dr. Arzu ÖZDİNÇLER, one of the members of the Educational Activities Advisory

Master's 2nd Seminar Days were Organized by Our Department's Thesis Master's Program

Master's 2nd Seminar Days were Organized by Our Department's Thesis Master's Program

"Master's 2nd Seminar Days" was organized by our department's Thesis Master's Program on June 10, 2024, at the Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Conference Hall.

About Master's 2nd Seminar Days

About Master's 2nd Seminar Days

"Master's 2nd Seminar Days" will be organized by our department's Thesis Master's Program on Monday, June 10, 2024 at 09.30 in the Necip Fazıl Kısakürek

3rd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium was Held

3rd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium was Held

The 3rd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium, which we organized for the third time with the support of the Symposium Honorary President, our Rector, Dear Prof. Dr. İsmail BOZ, was hel

FTR3211 Our Students Started Diving Lessons Within the Disabled Diving Elective Course

FTR3211 Our Students Started Diving Lessons Within the Disabled Diving Elective Course

Within the scope of the FTR3211 Disabled Diving elective course, our students started diving lessons with the instructor of the course, Dear Assist. Prof. Ferhat YALGIN, at the Bal

About the 3rd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium

About the 3rd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium

The third Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium, which is traditionally held every year, will be held online this year on June 7, 2024, with the topic "Current Manual Therapy Appro

About the 9th Career Days

About the 9th Career Days

The 9th Career Days, organized by our University's Career Development Application and Research Center, was held in Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall and Prof. Dr. Aziz Sanc

The First Meeting Was Held with Our Mentor Prof. Dr. Burcu Semin AKEL in the FTR-AD Accreditation Process

The First Meeting Was Held with Our Mentor Prof. Dr. Burcu Semin AKEL in the FTR-AD Accreditation Process

Within the scope of the accreditation studies carried out by the Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği (FTR-AD), Prof. Dr. Burcu Se

Our Department's Third Theraband Ceremony was Held

Our Department's Third Theraband Ceremony was Held

The third Theraband Ceremony, traditionally organized every year by our department, took place in the Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall. Due to the graduation of fourth-year un