Güncelleme Tarihi: 04 July 2024

Visitors: 86

The First Meeting Was Held with Our Department Advisory Board

As our department, our first meeting was held with our Advisory Board members. Dear Prof. Dr. Arzu ÖZDİNÇLER, one of the members of the Educational Activities Advisory Board; Dear Assoc. Prof. Özge ÇELİKER TOSUN, Dear Assoc. Prof. Buket AKINCI, members of the Research and Development Activities Advisory Board; Dear Prof. Dr. Yeşim SALIK ŞENGÜL, Dear Assoc. Prof. Saime Nilay ARMAN, members of the Social Contribution Activities Advisory Board; Dear Assoc. Prof. Adnan APTİ, Dear Specialist PT Ebru EN, members of the Civil Society Activities Advisory Board; Graduate Student Yağmur TURHAN attended.
At the meeting, the duties and responsibilities of the Advisory Board were explained. In addition, our Advisory Board members were informed about the accreditation process of our department and opinions and suggestions were received from our Advisory Board members. The meeting ended by determining the agenda for the next meeting. We would like to thank all our Advisory Board members who participated.
