Güncelleme Tarihi: 01 July 2024

Visitors: 113

3rd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium was Held

The 3rd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium, which we organized for the third time with the support of the Symposium Honorary President, our Rector, Dear Prof. Dr. İsmail BOZ, was held online on June 7, 2024. Our Vice Rector and Head of Department Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU, our Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences Dear Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ESECELİ and our Symposium Honorary Guest Dear Prof. Dr. Gül BALTACI made the opening speeches of the symposium. The symposium, which consisted of two sessions, featured speakers who are experts in their fields with the topic "Current Manual Therapy Approaches".

In the Manual Therapy Approaches-I session, Dear Prof. Dr. Gül BALTACI took part as the session chair. Dear Prof. Dr. Gül BALTACI, Dr. PT Murat DALKILINÇ and Dr. PT Görkem DİZDAR made their speeches.

In the Manual Therapy Approaches-II session, Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU took part as the session chair. Dear Specialist PT Zafer AKSUNGUR, Dear Assist. Prof. Şule BADILLI HANTAL and Dear Lecturer Özge KAYALAR DÜLGER made their speeches.

After the question-answer session, the symposium ended with the closing speeches of Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU. We sincerely thank all our guests for their valuable contributions with their speeches and all our participants for their participation.

You can click on the link below for our symposium web page.


