Güncelleme Tarihi: 23 May 2024

Visitors: 26

The First Meeting Was Held with Our Mentor Prof. Dr. Burcu Semin AKEL in the FTR-AD Accreditation Process

Within the scope of the accreditation studies carried out by the Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği (FTR-AD), Prof. Dr. Burcu Semin AKEL was appointed as a Mentor to support the accreditation process of our department. Our department held an online meeting with Prof. Dr. Burcu Semin AKEL on May 15, 2024. At the meeting, after the faculty members of our department briefly introduced themselves to our Dear Mentor, a presentation was made about the FTR-AD Öz Değerlendirme Raporu and questions were asked to our mentor. We would like to thank our Dear Mentor for her support regarding the process.
