Güncelleme Tarihi: 02 November 2024

Visitors: 649

General Information

About Us

Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation started education in 2018-2019 Academic Year with 4 faculty members and 2 research assistants. While continuing education with 8 faculty members and 3 research assistants in the 2023-2024 Academic Year, it continues education with 8 faculty members and 4 research assistants, one of whom is a PhD research assistant, as of the 2024-2025 Academic Year.



To educate qualified and competent physiotherapists in the professional and scientific field, adopting ethical and social values, respectful of human rights, contributing to society, participatory and sharing, contemporary, researcher, having life-long learning and self-development skills.



To be a department that contributes to education and science both at the national and international levels, is innovative, that ensures that its graduates are preferred as a priority.


Basic Values

Commitment to Ethical and Social Values

Transparency and Accountability

Unique Education

Vocational and Scientific Education and Research

Interdisciplinary Study

Participation and Sharing

Lifelong Learning Awareness


Educational Objectives
1-Equipped with the necessary physiotherapy and rehabilitation knowledge, skills and competencies to identify, prevent and treat movement and function disorders and improve health-related quality of life,
2-Considering professional ethical principles and the benefit of society,
3-Investigative, innovative, having lifelong learning and evidence-based practice skills,
4-To train physiotherapists who can collaborate with other health professionals at national and international levels.

Click here for the Cross-Compatibility Table of the Educational Objectives of our department with the Mission and Vision of our University, Faculty and Department.

Click here for the Table Matching the Educational Objectives of our Department with the Objectives of the National Core Education Program.

Click here for the Table of Educational Objectives of our Department and the Compatibility of Courses According to Educational Years.

Click here for the Table of Compatibility of the Education Plan of the Program with the National Core Education Program.

Click here for the Table of Compatibility of our Department's Education Program with the National Core Education Program Objectives.

Click here for the Table of Matching Discipline Specific Components with the Education Plan.


General Information About Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department

In the world and in our country, preventive and therapeutic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation has become one of the priority areas due to the increasing life expectancy and aging of the population, and the need for conscious protection of health in parallel with scientific and technological developments. The profession of physiotherapist was born in the world with the aim of eliminating the functional losses of the disabled population, especially following wars, traumas and polio epidemics, and has reached its current popular position by passing through many stages.

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is a science that is applied to children, young, adult or elderly healthy, patient and disabled people for therapeutic purposes, improves the quality of life of the person, includes functional activity training as well as many treatment approaches and provides solutions to problems. Physiotherapists plan and implement the physiotherapy and rehabilitation program of patients diagnosed by a specialist physician; they provide prevention and physical treatment of diseases and disabilities by increasing physical adaptation with special exercise and training programs in healthy people. In order to become a physiotherapist, it is necessary to have completed a 4-year undergraduate program that provides education in this profession and the diploma must be approved by the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Health. After graduation, they can continue their education and receive the title of science specialty, doctorate, associate professor, professor.

Individuals who graduate from this department can work as private or public in national and international inpatient treatment centers (university, government, etc.) orthopedics and traumatology, neurology / pediatric neurology, psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurosurgery, general surgery, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, chest diseases / thoracic surgery, pediatric diseases, urology, oncology, gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, all intensive care services, plastic surgery services, burn units, rheumatology departments, special education and rehabilitation centers, prosthesis-orthoses production and rehabilitation centers, institutions providing primary health care services, industrial areas, schools, sports clubs, retirement homes, vocational rehabilitation centers and spa centers, branch centers, home care centers.


Content of Education

Basic sciences specific to physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Clinical sciences

Professional lessons

Research methodology


Supportive elective courses

Clinical study

                        • 240 ECTS credits are required to graduate from the program.



Department of Neurological Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Department of Orthopedic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Department of Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Laboratories

Electrophysical Agents Laboratory-Basic Education Laboratory

Therapeutic Exercise Laboratory-Manual Therapy Laboratory

Healthy Life Laboratory



Clinical Summer Internship I (2nd Grade-IV. Semester)

Clinical Summer Internship II (3rd Grade - VI. Semester)


Clinical Practices

Clinical Practice I (4th Grade-VII. Semester)

Clinical Practice II (4th Grade-VIII. Semester)


After Graduation

Degree earned after graduation: Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Undergraduate

Degree earned after postgraduate education: Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Master's Degree


Working Areas

• Neurological Rehabilitation

• Orthopedic Rehabilitation

• Pediatric Rehabilitation

• Sportsman's Health

• Prosthetic Education and Rehabilitation

• Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

• Obstetric and Gynecological Rehabilitation

• Swallowing Rehabilitation

• Hand surgery and Microsurgery

• Geriatric Rehabilitation

• Preventive Physiotherapy

• Intensive Care Physiotherapist

• Lymphedema Physiotherapist