Güncelleme Tarihi: 01 July 2024

Visitors: 8

About the 9th Career Days

The 9th Career Days, organized by our University's Career Development Application and Research Center, was held in Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall and Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar Conference Hall between 21-23 May 2024.

This year, the event, to which our department, as the Faculty of Health Sciences, contributed with the session titled "Career Journey in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation", was held on May 21, 2024, at the Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar Conference Hall. Our Vice Rector and Head of Department Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Dear Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ESECELİ, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Dear Assist. Prof. Burçin AKÇAY, faculty members of our department, and students of our university attended the event.

After the opening speeches were made by our Vice Rector and Head of Department Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU at the event, Dear Specialist PT Zafer AKSUNGUR made his speech titled "Career Journey in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation". After his speeches, a plaque and a certificate of appreciation were presented to Dear Specialist PT Zafer AKSUNGUR.

We would like to thank Dear Specialist PT Zafer AKSUNGUR for his valuable speeches and all our participants for their participation.

