Creative Ideas from Our Students in Online Practice Exams

Creative Ideas from Our Students in Online Practice Exams

Our department's 2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Term Final Exam Online Practice Exams were held via the Zoom Platform. In the practice exams, students were taken to breakout ro

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Program Master's Seminars I were Held

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Program Master's Seminars I were Held

"Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Program Master's Seminars I" was organized online on 15.06.2023 by our Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Master's Program with Th

Our Department's Second Theraband Ceremony was Held

Our Department's Second Theraband Ceremony was Held

The second Theraband Ceremony, traditionally organized every year by our department, occurred in the Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall on 12.06.2023. Due to the graduation of fourth-year

About the Theraband Ceremony

About the Theraband Ceremony

The second Theraband Ceremony, traditionally organized by our department every year, will be held on 12.06.2023 at 14.00 at the Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall. Due to the gr

2nd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium was Held

2nd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium was Held

The 2nd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium, which we organized for the second time with the support of the Honorary President of the Symposium, our Rector, Dear Prof. Dr. Süleym

About our Department's 2022-2023 Academic Year Apron Wearing Ceremony

About our Department's 2022-2023 Academic Year Apron Wearing Ceremony

Our department's 2022-2023 Academic Year Apron Wearing Ceremony occurred at the Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall on 06.06.2023. In his opening speech, our Rector, Dear Pro

About the 2nd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium

About the 2nd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium

The 2nd Bandırma Physiotherapy Symposium, which we will organize for the second time this year, will be held on June 10, 2023. We would like to thank you in advance for your partic

Faculty Members of our Department Attended SABAK Evaluator Education

Faculty Members of our Department Attended SABAK Evaluator Education

Faculty members of our department attended SABAK Evaluator Education. The education, which started at 09:00 with the SABAK Introduction and Education Content by Dear Assoc. Prof. O

About TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program Applied Information Education

About TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program Applied Information Education

TUBITAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program Applied Information Training will be given by our Department Research Assistant Şule KEÇELİOĞLU, the gue

In Our Department, Our Courses are Held in Accordance with Hybrid Education-Training

In Our Department, Our Courses are Held in Accordance with Hybrid Education-Training

“Üniversitemiz Senatosu 31.03.2023 tarihinde toplanmış olup Yükseköğretim Genel Kurulu tarafından üniversitelerin ilgili kurullarında karar alınarak gerek