Güncelleme Tarihi: 14 December 2023

Visitors: 126

About our Department's 2022-2023 Academic Year Apron Wearing Ceremony

Our department's 2022-2023 Academic Year Apron Wearing Ceremony occurred at the Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall on 06.06.2023. In his opening speech, our Rector, Dear Prof. Dr. Süleyman Özdemir stated that he was pleased to be present at our department's Apron Wearing Ceremony and wished the students success. At the ceremony, the first apron was worn by our Rector, Dear Prof. Dr. Süleyman Özdemir. 
Our Vice Rectors, Dear Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Serel, Dear Prof. Dr. Feyzullah Temurtaş, and Dear Prof. Dr. Celalettin Yanık, our Secretary General, Dear Cihangir Boz and our Director of Vocational School of Health Services, Dear Prof. Dr. İbrahim Tümen also attended the Apron Wearing Ceremony and were worn apron to our students.
In addition to our guest of honor, Dear Assist Prof. Görkem Dizdar, faculty members from other faculties who teach our department also attended the ceremony. In addition, our supervisors, Uludag University Faculty of Medicine Hospital Physiotherapist Dear PT. Akif Pektaş, Fizyonöron Healthy Life Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center Physiotherapist Dear PT. Yasemin Cenk, Ağrısız Yaşam Center Physiotherapist Dear PT. Esra Tekin, Dear PT. Buse Kabak, Bandırmaspor Physiotherapist Dear PT. Furkan Kara and Bursa City Hospital Chief Physiotherapist Dear PT. Nazmiye Hacıoğlu Akdoğan also attended.
The ceremony, where our Faculty of Health Sciences, Dean Dear Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Eseceli, Deputy Dean and Head of Department, Dear Assoc. Prof. Ebru Kaya Mutlu and Deputy Dean, Dear Assoc. Prof. Fatih Altun were worn apron to the students, was held with the intense participation of our students and their families.
We wish all our students a successful education process.