Güncelleme Tarihi: 15 December 2023
Visitors: 110
Our Department's Second Theraband Ceremony was Held
The second Theraband Ceremony, traditionally organized every year by our department, occurred in the Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall on 12.06.2023. Due to the graduation of fourth-year undergraduate students, faculty members from both our department and other faculties and students of our department participated in the event where third-year undergraduate students bid farewell to fourth-year undergraduate students by saying "Goodbye."
At the event, our Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Dear Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ESECELİ, and our Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Head of Department, Dear Assoc. Prof. Ebru KAYA MUTLU and one of our faculty members, Dear Assist Prof. Gülhan YILMAZ GÖKMEN made the opening speeches.
After the opening speeches, our third-year students performed the theater plays and theraband dance they prepared. In addition, by changing the content of the Apron Wearing Ceremony, which we traditionally organize for our first-year students every year, our students worn apron to the faculty members of the department.
After Nur KESKİN YİĞİT, the student representative of our fourth-year students, handed over the theraband to Burcu YILDIRIM, the student representative of our third-year students, the event was completed with a karaoke show by our faculty members. We would like to thank all our participants who participated.