Güncelleme Tarihi: 30 September 2020

Visitors: 464

Head of Department's Message

Dear Students,


As they evolve from the simple to the complex, individual and social problems that take on an intricate structure make it difficult for individuals to realize themselves and for societies to live in social welfare. The search for solutions reveals the social work discipline and profession. Social work is a practices discipline that focuses on human dignity and human values, and needs professional staff. Therefore, its graduates can work as practitioners, administrators and academicians in the public sector, private sector and international and national non-governmental organizations. Therefore, the social work education process has to bring together professional candidates with a curriculum and qualified staff that will achieve their goals.

We were excitedly waiting for you in our department, which accepts students for the first time this year with its curriculum rich in theory and practices, and qualified staff. However, the social conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 forced people to a new lifestyle. The epidemic society has transformed into a hygienic society, a society based on social distance with anxiety. Of course, the education was organized in accordance with the changing conditions, it turned towards distance online education. Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University quickly adapted to the new education system; Successfully completed the 2019-2020 Spring Semester courses via distance education. In our first year, 2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Semester, our courses will be given through distance education.

With my wish that the dangerous epidemic process ends as soon as possible, to open a social network to the lonely individual or to bring together people who are closed on their own with a human touch, to revive neighborly / kinship relations, to be a person of the outcasts stronger and on the basis of trust,

I say WELCOME to you, our students, who are sensitive to social problems, who are determined to serve people and prefer voluntarily.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep YILDIZ

Head of Social Work Department