Güncelleme Tarihi: 20 January 2022

Visitors: 352

"Seminar Presentations-2021" events started

The first of the "Seminar Presentations-2021" online academic events planned by the social work department was held on April 30, 2021. Social work lecturers, graduate students and undergraduate students participated in the presentations of the master students' thesis proposals that they are working on or prepared.

Graduate student Ayşen GÜNDÜZ, gave information about the subject, problem, method and importance of the thesis based on qualitative research titled "Social Memory and Analysis of Unmarriage and Unmarriage in Daily Life in Terms of Social Work", which he was conducting under the supervision of Assoc. Dr. Recep YILDIZ. She stated that the aim of the thesis is to reveal, with scientific data, that divorce, which is a social problem, has started to be replaced by the problem of not getting married and/or being unable to marry in today's world.

Eda Ezgi AYDIN, a graduate student, also gave information about the subject, problem, method and importance of the thesis based on qualitative research titled "The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Adolescent Suicide and the Role of Social Work Interventions in Reducing Suicide", which she is conducting under the supervision of  Faculty Member Assist. Dr. Zeynep ACA. In the study, which aims to reveal the effect of the social, physical, mental and economic changes experienced by adolescents directly or indirectly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic on the development of suicidal behavior; she stated that scientific suggestions will be presented for the effective implementation of appropriate social work interventions and for the development of social policies. The first seminar presentation was completed with the contributing suggestions and success wishes of the participants. 
