Güncelleme Tarihi: 28 November 2022

Visitors: 135

Our Head of Department attended the "Three Generations II in Academia" Science, Culture and Art Symposium.

Our Head of Department Assoc. Dr. Recep Yıldız attended the "Three Generations II Science, Culture and Art Symposium in Academia" organized by the Directorate of Kütahya Dumlupınar University Graduate Education Institute on 25.11.2022 at 16.00. In the symposium, taking into account the three generations who have been at Dumlupınar University, the paper titled “The Possibility of Doing Sociology in the Countryside” prepared by Assoc. Dr. Recep Yildiz, Prof. Dr. Musa ŞAHİN (Yalova University), Res. See. Yusuf ŞAHİN (Kütahya Dumlupınar University) was presented.

In the paper, it is stated that Dumlupınar University gave education on the schools formed in the field of sociology rather than being a school in its first establishment years; It was reported that undergraduate and graduate education was structured in three areas: theory, practice (field research) and methodology.

The symposium ended with the closing speeches of the lecturers who worked at Dumlupınar University in the first years of its establishment and then transferred to other universities, and the members of Dumlupınar University, who was a student at that time and is still a student.
