Güncelleme Tarihi: 30 September 2020

Visitors: 287

Bandırma University Health Sciences Faculty Social Service Department Head Assoc. Dr. Recep Yıldız was a guest on "Aslında Ne Oldu?" at Ülke Tv.

Assoc. Dr. Recep Yildiz was a guest on a live broadcast program "Aslında Ne Oldu?" at Ülke Tv on Monday, May 11 at 22:00. This week's guests of the program were Marmara University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Ergün Yıldırım, Ibn Haldun University Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Vehbi Baysan, Medipol University Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Yusuf Özkır, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. İlhan Çetin and our department head Assoc. Dr. Recep Yıldız. In the program, the coronavirus epidemic, the fight against coronavirus and the normalization process were discussed.
Our head of department, Assoc. Dr. Recep Yıldız, Prof. Dr. Ergün Yıldırım (Marmara University) and Mardin Artuklu University Social Service Department lecturers Ökkaş Arı and Muhittin Evren evaluated the survey data they carried out to get to know the epidemic society acting with the effect of the coronavirus epidemic, to see their reactions and to analyze the virus-society interaction. The peak of the new coronavirus disease dates from 15 April to May 1, 2020, were interviewed 1254 people in general in Turkey. He conveyed information about the compliance with the hygiene rules revealed in the survey results, trust in the state, its institutions, people in the fight against the epidemic, the effect of religious belief in the pandemic process, and the position of NGOs in cooperation. You can access the video of the television program by clicking here.
