Güncelleme Tarihi: 23 August 2023

Visitors: 193

Assoc. Dr. Adem Bölükbaşı Attended the International Congress Held in Philippines

Our department faculty member Assoc. Dr. Adem Bölükbaşı, within the scope of the TÜBİTAK project "The Nature of Prejudice in Turkey: Definitions (Stereotypes), Cases, Multidimensional Typologies Affecting Intercultural Communication", project coordinator and Head of the Department of Sociology at Sakarya University, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Şan participated in the international congress called The DLSU International Social Sciences Conference 2023, organized by De La Salle University on 10-12 August 2023 in Philippines. 2 papers titled "Perceptions Regarding Marriage Preferences and Family Relationships as a Dimension of Intercultural Interaction in Turkey" and "Repercussions of Stereotypes Regarding Arab Identity on Reactions to Refugees in Turkey", of Bölükbaşı and Şan, who participated in the congress with were the best papers in the evaluation made by the Congress Scientific Committee. They deserved the award. In this context, their work, which they presented as a full-text paper, was deemed worthy of being published in the Asia Pacific Social Sciences Review (APSSR), which was scanned in Scopus (Q-1), and was awarded a monetary award. At the congress, bilateral cooperation with the officials of De La Salle University and other universities participating in the congress was also discussed.
