Güncelleme Tarihi: 07 August 2020

Visitors: 290

As the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, We Have Prepared Exercise Videos Within the Scope of Coronavirus Measures

Due to the fact that the new Coronovirus - Covid 19 is accepted as a pandemic disease by the World Health Organization and it is seen in our country, many precautions have been taken. As a part of these precautions, we have prepared exercise videos that can be applied in a simple way at home as a Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department in order to prevent the decrease in physical activity level and benefit from exercise during these days when we stay at home and the physical activity level decreases.

These videos prepared consist of 4 parts:

- "Exercises for School-Age Children" for school-age children who have to continue their education from home.

- "Exercises for Desk Employees" for academic and administrative staff who have to work at home.

- "Core Stabilization and Strengthening Exercises" for university students and all university staff who have to continue their education from home.

- "Breathing Exercises" prepared for everyone due to the possible effects of Covid 19 on the respiratory system.

You can access the exercises by clicking the link below.
