Güncelleme Tarihi: 12 October 2022

Visitors: 462

About the "Welcome Event" for the 1st year students from the 2nd year students of our department

A "Welcome Event" was held on 12.10.2022 for the 1st year students from the 2nd year students of our department. Head of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Dear Assoc. Prof. Ebru KAYA MUTLU, Co-Head of Department Dear Assist. Prof. Burçin AKÇAY, assistant professors Dear Assist. Prof. Hamiyet YÜCE, Dear Assist. Prof. Gülhan YILMAZ GÖKMEN, Dear Assist. Prof. Fatma Nur YILMAZ and research assistants Dear Research Assistant Melike Sümeyye ÖZEN, Research Assistant Şule KEÇELİOĞLU, Research Assistant Ozan Bahadır TÜRKMEN, Research Assistant Canan DEMİR, Research Assistant Esra KESKİN, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class representatives and 1st and 2nd year students attended the event.

In the event, the instructors of our department, 2nd and 3rd class representatives and the 2nd year students conveyed their welcome wishes to the 1st year students. In the event where cake cutting was carried out, the event ended with the hope of a successful new academic year.