Güncelleme Tarihi: 16 January 2020

Visitors: 315


Career Days continued with the panel organized in the afternoon. İn the panel which moderated by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Professor Dr. Uğur Günşen, Nutrition and Diet Specialist Fatih Erkan and Software Specialist Turgay Papakçı participated as speaker. The opening speech of the panel was given by our Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Özdemir.

Fatih Erkan first shared his experiences about the profession in the panel where balanced and healthy nutrition was discussed. Erkan also mentioned the right mistakes in terms of nutrition and gave important information about the business life to the students who will start the profession.

Turgay Papakçı said “Qualitative and quantitative criteria are considered in business life. Try to learn, not for points when you are a student. Every information that is told to you is very important, when you are a student, take all the information given to you like a sponge.”

The panel ended with plaques of appreciation to the speakers.