Güncelleme Tarihi: 08 February 2024

Visitors: 169


Dear Students,

You can get internship opportunities from all public institutions, universities and thousands of private sector organizations by applying to the National Internship Program. We would like to share that this year, the scope of the Program has been expanded by adding job shadowing and training opportunities in addition to internship opportunities. During your application, you will encounter areas of knowledge that will highlight your competencies. Filling in these fields correctly will contribute to your competency score, and each score you receive will bring you closer to early career opportunities such as internships, job shadowing and training in the institutions / organizations you target. You can apply to the program via Career Gateway and check the Frequently Asked Questions* section for details.

Application Deadline: March 10, 2024 Application Link: https://kariyerkapisi.cbiko.gov.tr/ulusalstajprogrami You can access it by clicking the /frequentlyaskedquestions link. You can follow the social media accounts of the National Internship Program (@ulusalstajprg) to be informed about the developments.

We wish you luck.