Güncelleme Tarihi: 30 December 2023

Visitors: 143

The Team Including Our Head of Department Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU Was Deserved to Receive the TUBITAK Seal of Excellence within the Scope of the BIGG Program

TUBITAK continues to realize the dreams of young and innovative entrepreneur candidates with the Individual Young Enterprise "BIGG" Program. Within the scope of the Program launched in 2012, 2140 entrepreneurs have established their companies and implemented their business ideas to date.
2885 entrepreneurs applied for business ideas for the BIGG 2023 1st Call. 1453 entrepreneur candidates were deemed appropriate to pass the 1st stage of the program. In the 2nd stage evaluation, as a result of the evaluations made by juries composed of academics, industrialists and investors, the projects of 153 entrepreneurs were approved and it was deemed appropriate to be given the "Seal of Excellence" within the scope of the 1st Call of 2023.
With the 1st Call of BIGG 2023, Lecturer Ayhan ŞANLI from Kastamonu University, Lecturer Bahadır Kaan UTLU from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Assist. Prof. Tansu BİRİNCİ and Student Serap HERKİLOĞLU from Istanbul Medeniyet University, Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU from Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University; deserved to receive the Seal of Excellence with the project of "Computer Aided Training Modeling with Software and Hardware Integration of Equipment (Pessoa) Used in the Training of Sport Horses" and they will start the project on January 1, 2024.

We congratulate all the researchers in the team, especially our Head of Department Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU.

