Güncelleme Tarihi: 30 December 2023

Visitors: 194

Our Students' Baby-Led Nutrition Project was deemed worthy of the Education Support Foundation (EDEV)-Anadolu University Rectorate Incentive Award

Under the academic consultancy of Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University (BANÜ) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics faculty member Dear Assist. Prof. Yasemin ERGÜL; The project on baby-led nutrition, carried out by 4th-year students Zeynep Şevval KOÇ and Dilara KULA, was deemed worthy of the Education Support Foundation (EDEV)-Anadolu University Rectorate Incentive Award at the Prof. Dr. Yahya ÖZSOY Community Services Awards organized in cooperation with the Turkish Community Services Foundation (TOVAK).

At the award ceremony, where the social contributions of the project titled "Baby-Led Nutrition Education for Caregivers of Babies in the Transition Period to Complementary Feeding: Intervention Study" carried out within the scope of TUBITAK 2209-A were presented, the awards were presented to the academic advisor and students by Anadolu University Rector Dear Prof. Dr. Fuat ERDAL. We congratulate our students and their academic advisor and wish them continued success.

The relevant event was also covered in the local press and can be accessed from the link below

