Güncelleme Tarihi: 27 March 2024
Visitors: 155
About the Turkish Physiotherapy Association Meets with Students Seminar
Within the scope of our university's "in Beginning of the Century of Türkiye" seminar series, the Turkish Physiotherapy Association met with our students at the seminar organized in cooperation with our Faculty and Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
Our Vice Rector Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU, Vice Dean Dear Assist. Prof. Burçin AKÇAY, as well as academic and administrative staff and students attended the seminar, which took place at the Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall and where the Turkish Physiotherapy Association Balıkesir Provincial Representative Dear MSc PT Ebru EN was the invited speaker.
In the seminar where the Turkish Physiotherapy Association was introduced and its work was presented, the latest developments in the field of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation were conveyed to the students. In the program, the role of physiotherapists, their place in health services and their contributions to society were discussed. Additionally, information was given about association membership, educational opportunities and activities offered by the association.
After answering the questions from the guests, the seminar ended by presenting flowers and a certificate of participation to our invited speaker Dear MSc PT Ebru EN by our Vice Rector Dear Prof. Dr. Ebru KAYA MUTLU.