Güncelleme Tarihi: 12 March 2023
Visitors: 307
About SABAK Pre-Application Information Education
“Pre-Application Information Education” was held on March 9, 2023 by the Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Health Sciences Programs (SABAK) in order to increase knowledge and understanding about the requirements for the accreditation application, the accreditation process and standards, and the processes of preparing the Self-Assessment Report (ÖDR). Administrative staff and faculty members of Nutrition and Dietetics, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Nursing, Health Management and Social Work departments of our faculty participated in the education.
Details of the education program given by SABAK are given below.
09.30 - 10.00 |
Prof. Dr. Afsun Ezel Esatoğlu (SABAK Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı) |
Giriş Konuşması Akreditasyon Süreci |
10.00 - 11.00 |
Prof.Dr. Öznur Tunca Yılmaz Doç. Dr. Meral Huri (Eğitim Komitesi) |
- Akreditasyon başvurusu için gereklilikler, - Akreditasyon süreci ve standartları, - ÖDR hazırlama süreçleri |
11.00 - 12.00 |
SABAK Yönetim Kurulu Eğitim Komitesi |
Sorular ve Tartışma |
We would like to thank all our academic and administrative staff who participated