Güncelleme Tarihi: 10 June 2020

Visitors: 375

Senate Decision Regarding the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester Education and Training Processes

The following decisions have been taken by the Senate of our University regarding all other preparatory, associate, undergraduate and graduate programs / departments / departments of our university, excluding TÖMER and Foreign Language Preparatory Education, limited to the spring semester of 2019-2020 academic year:


Instead of mid-term evaluation, namely Midterm Exam (Visa); homework, project etc. one of the applications will be valid. This application will be determined by the instructor. Our students must fulfill their obligations regarding these practices by May 27, 2020, the last day of the 2019-2020 spring semester semester. The contribution of these applications within the scope of the mid-term evaluation to the passing grade will be 30%. Assignments and projects, which are among the activities to be carried out within the scope of the semester evaluations, will be collected digitally via SMS (LMS), by e-mail or through the platforms that can be registered.
End of the Year (Final), Make-Up, Single Course Exams, as stated before, will be held face to face on the dates specified in the updated Academic Calendar. However, if the conditions do not improve, it can be postponed to a later date by the Senate decision or these exams can be held online. The contribution of the Year-End (Final) and Make-up exams to the passing grade will be 70%.
In TOMER and Foreign Language Preparatory Education, there is no change in the contribution of mid-term and final exam evaluations to the success grade. Announcement regarding the exams will be made separately by these units.