Güncelleme Tarihi: 31 May 2023

Visitors: 79

Çanakkale Cultural Trip

Our department organized a cultural trip to Çanakkale with faculty members, members of the Healthy Management Community, undergraduate and graduate students. Within the scope of the tour, on the Gallipoli Peninsula; Çanakkale Battles Martyrdom, KilitBahir Castle, Namazgah Bastion, Rumeli Hamidiye Bastion, Rumeli Mecidiye Bastion, Hilali Ahmer Museum, Çanakkale Martyrs' Monument, Martyrs' Cemetery, Seddülbahir Ertuğrul Cove, Yahya Sergeant Martyrdom, Ertuğrul Bastion, Anzac Bay and Anzac Ceremony Site, 57. Martyrdom, Conk Bair, Anafartalar Lowland and the Trojan Horse in the center were visited.