Güncelleme Tarihi: 08 March 2024

Visitors: 91

A panel themed "The Future of Health Management" was held within the scope of the 5th International Health Sciences Congress of the Thrace University Union.

5th International Health Sciences Congress (UTUC 2022) of Thrace Universities Union was held digitally with the theme of "Innovative Approaches in Health Sciences" between 01-02 December 2022, hosted by Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, Health Sciences Institute. On the second day of the congress, the Health Management Digital Panel, themed of "The Future of Health Management", was completed under the moderation of Assoc. Dr. Gökhan ABA on 02 December 2022, between 14.00-15.30. Presentation titled "The Great Change of Medicine and Health Sciences in the 21st Century" was presented by the Istanbul Üsküdar University, Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Haydar SUR, and presentation titled “Health Management Vision in the Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic” was made by Metropolitan University (Formerly Ryerson University) School of Occupational and Public Health Dr. Instructor Fatih ŞEKERCİOĞLU. The topic of 'Future of Health Management' was opened to discussion and session was chaired by Assoc. Dr. Gökhan ABA. Important discussions regarding the Future of Health Management were put forward in the congress. The participation of the congress organization committee and, Prof. Dr. Haydar SUR, Dr. Instructor Member Fatih ŞEKERCİOĞLU were appreciated. All those who contributed and participated were thanked. 
