Güncelleme Tarihi: 19 November 2023
Visitors: 173
Prof. Dr. Serap ALTUNTAŞ and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe ÇİÇEK KORKMAZ's Oral Presentation with her PhD students at the 14th HSYK congress was deemed worthy of receiving the Best Research Award.
Prof. Dr. Serap ALTUNTAŞ and Assist. Prof. Dr. student of member Ayşe ÇİÇEK KORKMAZ, Res. Assist. Bahar KULEYİN,Specialist Nurse Nazlıhan EFE SAYAN and Specialist Nurse The study they conducted with Hande DEMİRTAŞ was entitled to receive the Best Research Award as an Oral Presentation at the 14th Hospital and Health Management Congress.